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Mirror 360 was founded in 2022 in Austin, TX to fundamentally improve our working lives.
Our self-awareness and transparency tools are built to help us all find fulfillment at work:

For YOU,
to excel at work:

My Mirror 360 is the self-awareness app, that brings you real-time and honest feedback from anyone whose opinion matters to you.

You are no longer limited by broken feedback loops at work, which leave you wondering and unaware of your blind spots.

See How

to empower their people:

Mirror 360’s Organizational MRI is a real-time visibility tool which illuminates impact and fulfillment at work. It introduces an intuitive system of autonomously-run, standardized, truly-360, and always-anonymous reflections.

Employees are no longer stuck with traditional processes, which produce infrequent, ambiguous, partial, and politicized signals.

Read our White Paper


We want to change the game we have to play at work, forever. The game of: jockeying for position or dodging bullets; of staying visible or invisible; of having to be cautious or fighting for credit. The game of making bosses look good. There is a name for this game. They call it office politics.

We want to change this game, because in it there are no real winners. We compromise our integrity and neuter much of our creativity. We suffocate honest feedback and corrupt sincere motivations. And after playing in this game, we often come home feeling fatigued or discontent, stressed or anxious, unappreciated or guilty. In all cases, we miss our chance to fulfill our true potential.

Yet, we have to play this same game in almost every organization. Regardless of industry, culture, or time period, this game hasn’t changed.. UNTIL NOW!


The world’s first autonomously-run, truly-continuous, always-anonymous system of 360 and self-reflections brings real-time visibility to the workplace.

Mirror 360 was born out of a clear vision for what real-time visibility means for the near future of work.

Namely, what we at Mirror 360 call “a better workplace”.


  • Work is visible automatically and people’s voices are continuously audible to the highest levels of the organization.
  • Leaders are in sync, because they draw from the same, definitive source of truth on performance and fulfillment at work.
  • Decisions are timely, grounded in truth, and thus effective in helping to steer the organization to health.
  • Mismatches of: skills to assignments; passions to jobs; and personalities to teams are quickly corrected for - so no one ever feels out of place. 
  • Teammates work together and are intrinsically invested in each other’s success. 
  • Mastery of political gamesmanship has no bearing on one’s advancement, and horrible bosses are no more

In this better workplace, people are fulfilled in their work because their talents and passions are matched to their work, incentives are to work together, and decisions are fair.

Please join us for this exciting journey!

Learn more about Mirror 360's Organizational MRI:

Read our White Paper