It's healthy to take a moment...

and self-reflect on the week at work. We'll remind you on Fridays and ask a few pointed questions to raise your awareness. Questions change each week. Over time we can bring deep insights on what makes you fulfilled in your current role - and what doesn't.

Give it a Try

How are YOU feeling at work this week?

Honest self-reflections are key to a better you at work. They help improve your self-awareness about what fulfills you at work.
I'm proud of my work lately

Consider their propensity to consistently convey information clearly and concisely, willingness to listen, openness to feedback, and likelihood to respond in a thoughtful and respectful manner.

Not at all
My team keeps me in the loop

Consider their likelihood to identify, analyze, and overcome new and challenging situations, leveraging: critical thinking, logical reasoning, creativity, resourcefulness, overall knowledge and experience, and their propensity to work independently and make sound decisions.

Not at all
I love my job

Consider their adaptability to work harmoniously and respectfully with diverse personalities and perspectives, their positive and cooperative attitude, their willingness to contribute proactively while respecting the contributions of others, and their commitment to the team’s vision and objectives.

Not at all
My voice matters

Consider their level of dependability, integrity and professionalism, their willingness to hold themselves accountable, propensity to stay organized and on-track, and their consistent attention to detail, precision, and accuracy in their tasks and responsibilities.

Not at all
I can live comfortably on my salary

Consider their likelihood to take initiative and new responsibilities, their willingness to take charge and effectiveness in inspiring and guiding others towards shared goals, their confidence and persistence as well as eagerness to continuously learn and grow.

Not at all
I'm learning every week

Consider their likelihood to take initiative and new responsibilities, their willingness to take charge and effectiveness in inspiring and guiding others towards shared goals, their confidence and persistence as well as eagerness to continuously learn and grow.

Not at all
The company has a clear vision

Consider their likelihood to take initiative and new responsibilities, their willingness to take charge and effectiveness in inspiring and guiding others towards shared goals, their confidence and persistence as well as eagerness to continuously learn and grow.

Not at all
Honest self-reflections are key to a better you at work.
They help improve your self-awareness about what fulfills you at work.
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